2. Revenue

In the following table, revenues are broken down into a combination of transport type and geographic area.

(in millions of euros)

External revenue

Additional contributions by governments


Train-related transport in the Netherlands




Station development and operation in the Netherlands




Train-related transport in Germany




Total revenue




(in millions of euros)

External revenue

Additional contributions by governments


Train-related transport in the Netherlands




Station development and operation in the Netherlands




Train-related transport in Germany




Total revenue




Additional government contributions (train-related transport in the Netherlands)

Based on the 2022 Public Transport Availability Payment Scheme (BVOV) as issued by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, NS was entitled to compensation for the full year of 2022 for the loss of revenue it suffered as a result of the pandemic. The compensation equals 93% of the indexed 2019 cost level for the 2022 availability payment, less 100% of the realised revenues. In 2022, NS recognised compensation in the amount of €274 million. Eligibility for the BVOV is subject to specific conditions, such as operating a suitable timetable (which is at least comparable to 2021), compliance with the applicable procurement legislation, a dividend ban, a ban on severance payments to Dutch senior executives and a ban on bonuses to senior executives and board members within the Dutch entities. NS has concluded that the 2022 availability payment could be justified by testing it against the applicable conditions. Due to the scale-down of rolling stock in 2022, the timetable in that year was, at certain points in time, less extensive than in 2021. NS has accounted for that by means of a proportionate adjustment to the 2022 financial statements.

In June 2023, the BVOV payment for 2022 was definitively set at €301 million. The Minister for the Environment awarded NS the full BVOV payment but also imposed a financial measure on the company (a €1.5 million fine, which is provided for at year-end 2023) for its decision to scale down the timetable in the second half of 2022. NS is required to use the amount for the benefit of passengers. NS has drawn up a plan for this, which will be accounted for on completion.

Due to adjustments, including the lapse of the proportional adjustment that was applied in 2022, a total of €14 million in BVOV payments was recognised in the revenue in 2023.

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management made available a ‘public transport transition safety net’ (TVOV) for the benefit of the entire sector in 2023. The TVOV is subject to conditions similar to those that apply to the BVOV. It is also subject to a transition plan, which NS has already submitted (along with the application). In 2023, NS recognised €45 million in compensation.

Temporary emergency bridging measure for sustained employment (Noodfonds Overbrugging Werkgelegenheid; NOW)

For the activities relating to station development and operation in the Netherlands, the so-called NOW compensation (operating company scheme) was applied for in 2022 and recognised as revenue for the amount of €12 million. In order to claim the NOW compensation, conditions apply, such as the ban on management bonuses, dividend payments and agreement by the employee representative body. The applicable conditions have been reviewed by NS, and on this basis, NS has concluded that the NOW compensation can be justified in 2022. NOW 1.0 and 2.0 have now been definitively adopted. The amount in 2023 represents a correction of a NOW application from 2022.


Station development and operation in the Netherlands includes an amount of €17 million (2022: €42 million) relating to development activities.

Accounting policy


Revenue is recognised on the basis of the fee established in a contract with a customer. The Group recognises revenue when it transfers control of a good or service to a customer. Revenue includes transport revenue including additional contributions from governments within the framework of COVID-19 and revenue from other business activities after deduction of discounts and VAT.

Provision of services and sale of goods

Revenue from the sale of travel rights is recognised when the travel right arises. Subscription revenue is recognised in the income statement over time and distributed over the validity of the subscription period.

Revenue from the sale of goods is recognised in the income statement when control of the goods has been transferred to the buyer, recovery of the consideration due is probable and the associated costs or any returns of goods can be reliably estimated.

Fees from the government or similar bodies arising from transport contracts or transport franchises are recognised in the income statement over the period to which the fee relates.

Additional contribution by governments

Government contributions in the context of COVID-19 are determined on the basis of individual arrangements with various government agencies and are intended to cover costs incurred or to compensate for loss of revenue during all or part of the financial year. The final amount of these contributions for 2023 will be determined in 2024, but the contributions are sufficiently certain to be recognised in the financial statements on the basis of IAS 20. Contributions have been allocated to the period to which they apply. The transitional allowance in the Netherlands was set on the basis of the technical note.

Rental income

Rental income from property is recognised in the income statement over time, based on the duration of the rental period. Commitment costs incurred as an incentive to enter into lease arrangements are recognised as an integral part of the total rental income and spread on a straight-line basis over the contract period. Rent reductions granted as a result of lower passenger numbers during current contracts for services to be provided are spread on a straight-line basis over the contract period. Rent reductions granted retroactively for services already rendered are not deducted from revenue but are included in the assessment of expected credit losses under IFRS 9.

Development revenues

Development revenues are recognised in proportion to the performance contractually agreed with the customer.

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