Overview of franchise indicators

NS uses a range of indicators to measure the quality of its services on the main rail network and the high-speed line. Our key priorities include transporting passengers responsibly, safely and comfortably and keeping our staff safe.
Performance indicators
Performance |
Realisation in 2023 |
Realisation in 2022 |
Target value for 2023 |
Minimum value for 2023 |
Overall customer satisfaction score for main rail network* |
- |
7.7 |
7.5 |
7.3 |
Overall customer satisfaction with HSL services* |
- |
7.6 |
7.4 |
7.2 |
Customer satisfaction with public safety* |
- |
8.1 |
7.9 |
7.7 |
Punctuality for passengers (to 5 minutes) on the main rail network |
89.7% |
91.6% |
91.5% |
88.9% |
Punctuality for passengers (to 15 minutes) on the main rail network |
97.0% |
97.3% |
97.4% |
96.7% |
Punctuality for passengers (with a 5-minute margin) on the HSL |
73.6% |
82.0% |
84.2% |
82.1% |
Quality of connections to other carriers |
93.8% |
95.5% |
95.6% |
94.0% |
Seat availability at peak times (main rail network) |
94.7% |
96.6% |
95.5% |
94.3% |
Seat availability on HSL at peak times |
94.3% |
98.0% |
94.9% |
91.2% |
Number of crowded peak-hour trains per working week |
94 |
51 |
100 |
110 |
User-friendly travel information |
81.2% |
81.7% |
68.5% |
65.0% |
- *The overall customer opinion will be measured by the Public Transport Customer Barometer and published in late February 2024.
COVID-19 measures were in force for part of 2022, which affected public transport.
The indicator ‘Punctuality for passengers (with a 5-minute margin) on the HSL’ did not rise above the minimum value in 2023. Major causes include the temporary speed restriction at Rijpwetering and train cancellations due to the availability of rolling stock. NS and ProRail are doing all they can to improve performance on the HSL. The indicator ‘Quality of NS connections to other carriers’ also failed to meet the minimum value in 2023. This was partly due to the lack of punctuality of international trains from Germany, which were late entering the Netherlands. In addition, goods trains diverted due to trackwork in Germany caused disruption to passenger trains. NS is in talks with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management with regard to its performance.
Main rail network franchise for 2015–2024
The State Secretary for Infrastructure and Water Management awarded the rail transport franchise for the main rail network to NS in December 2014. The franchise runs from 1 January 2015 for a term of ten years. NS prepares an annual transport plan for the year ahead. In that plan, we link our aims and objectives to specific actions and performance indicators for the coming year. Definitions of the KPIs and descriptions of the measurement and calculation methods used can be found in the 2023 Transport Franchise Definitions (in Dutch).