The inventories of maintenance materials consist of raw materials and other materials for the production and maintenance of finished and semi-finished products for the maintenance centres.
Trade and other receivables includes an amount of €31 million (2022: €117 million) relating to ProRail and the Dutch central government.
Cash and bank balances at 31 December 2023 amounted to €460 million and were fully at the free disposal of the company (31 December 2022: €396 million, fully at the free disposal of the company).
Accruals and deferred income as at 31 December 2023 amounted to €8 million (31 December 2022: €9 million).
Trade and other liabilities includes an amount of €29 million (2022: €24 million) relating to ProRail and the Dutch central government.
The deferred income of €590 million (2022: €565 million) consists mainly of amounts for student public transport passes received in advance and season ticket payments received in advance in the Netherlands.